Japanese Ponyville (ToonAlexSora007) : An original MLP themed stage originally created to celebrate the series' premiere in Japan. Queen's Tomb 1.1 (The Mike) : An MLP Stage, Animated, Hi-Res, Mugen 1.1 only, 640x480, includes zoom Sweet Apple Acres (Fou) : Applejack's stage from MLP: Fighting is Magic. Sweet Apple Acres(TCL London) (製作者 Fou /改変者.) : My Little Pony Fighting Is Magic The Crashing Low London Sweet Apple Acres Stage Sugarcube Corner (RockRage8962) : Fighting is Magic stage by RockRage8962. Twilight's Library (RockRage8962) : Fighting is Magic stage by RockRage8962.Ĭarousel Boutique (RockRage8962) : Fighting is Magic stage by RockRage8962.įluttershy's Cottage (RockRage8962) : Fighting is Magic stage by Rockrage8962. Canterlot High Destroyed (RockRage8962) : Canterlot High Destroyed is a variation of the Canterlot High stage during the climax of the film My Little Pony: Equestria Girls, in which the main antagonist Sunset Shimmer manages to steal the. .